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Category: November Blog Posts

What Are Some Health Tips To Stay Healthy Over Age Fifty?

As we grow older, we find that things become slightly harder than decades ago. Whereas in the past we could lose weight by simply eating a salad and walking a few hundred yards, we now find that we need to work harder to shift those stubborn pounds. What’s more…

What Types of Fruits and Vegetables Are Good For People Over Age 50?

Recall your childhood when your parents insisted you finish all the fruits and vegetables on your plate. Back then, it might have seemed like a chore, but you now understand that they were laying the foundation for a long and healthy life. Fruits and vegetables are essential for people over…

Over Age 50 Useful Tips to Stay Healthy and Safe

As you become older, you’ll notice a lot of changes in your life, and you may need to make lifestyle modifications to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At any age, good health can be achieved by a combination of healthy food and regular physical activity. Some health problems, such…

Eight Must Try Foods To Consider Trying Over Age 50

Do you remember whеn уоu wеrе a carefree уоuth and уоu hаррilу соuntеd two bаgѕ оf chips as a hеаlthу lunch? It ѕееmеd that bасk then уоu could еаt аnуthing аnd рrеttу muсh get away with it, but now…

Easy Exercising for Over Age 50

At аnу аgе еxеrсiѕе iѕ imроrtаnt, еѕресiаllу for thоѕе оf us whо wаnt tо еxеrсiѕе аftеr 50. Men аnd wоmеn who аrе оvеr thе аgе оf 50 need a dаilу exercise рrоgrаm tо kеер active…

How Does the Heart Affect Healthy Aging?

The heart is, without question, one of the most important organs we have in our body. The core component of the cardiovascular system, without a healthy heart there will be numerous aspects of your health and well-being that suffer. Sadly, in life there are some things which we cannot…

How Does Smoking Affect My Health?

Smoking affects your overall health in many ways whether you are age fifty or older or younger than age fifty. The following information indicates how smoking may affect people that smoke: Effects on the brain Tobacco contains nicotine which is also known as a mood-altering drug. Basically, it triggers…

How Can I Boost My Brain Power?

The human brain is the boss of the body. Like a mitochondria to the cell, it is the power house of the body because it runs the whole show and controls effective performance of body functions, giving out commands and processing information even while we are asleep. The stamina of…

How Do I Make Fitness Part of My Lifestyle Over Age 50?

Staying fit has never been a piece of cake to anyone. Whether you are a 30-year-old motivated person, or a senior citizen, the road you travel to stay fit is never an easy one. However, when you are young, so is your motivation. As you near 50, you…

How Can I Keep My Body Healthy Over Age 50?

Growth and Aging are two things that the human body can never escape. Advancement in age could be a really wonderful period of one’s life. It can also be a not too wonderful time of life if one’s health is unstable. Adults at 50 plus have high tendencies…