How Can I Keep My Body Healthy Over Age 50?

Growth and Aging are two things that the human body can never escape. Advancement in age could be a really wonderful period of one’s life. It can also be a not too wonderful time of life if one’s health is unstable. Adults at 50 plus have high tendencies to be prone to diseases because as the body grows, strength decreases. Many times diseases manifest when we are getting old, especially over 50. However, adults who are 50 plus can maintain a healthy life and to a large extent live beautifully in old age. There are four ways that can assist you at this time in your life to stay healthy which include nutrition, exercise, healthy lifestyles and rest.



The body like a computer puts out the quality of what was put in it. Adults at 50 years or older must ensure that their diet is improved because it can significantly affect the health with advancement in age. Therefore, to avoid illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, the ideal diet should be varied, full of fresh ingredients, and limited in processed, prepackaged foods. Put a limit to high fat dairy products like ice cream, full fat cheese, and butter, along with high fat meats, like fried cuts of meat, ground beef with high percentages of fat, and bacon.


A mediterranean diet on the other hand can be a healthy way to protect against cancer, heart disease, and other major diseases. The basic idea is that you eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, with moderate amounts of olive oil and wine. Be sure to consult your doctor or a dietitian before starting any new eating plan.



The muscular strength of our human anatomy decreases with aging. It is inevitable. One key way to prevent muscular cramps and strength decline is by partaking in good exercise needed for the muscles. You may want to work out with a friend or your spouse.  Consider walking or taking the stairs as part of your exercise program or do whatever exercise program that may work best for you. The goal is to keep your muscular strength from declining. As the body ages, the tendons get more thick and less elastic. Stretching can counter this and help prevent injury at age 50 plus. Remember to stretch slowly; do not force it by bouncing.



Healthy Lifestyle

Form a healthy lifestyle by visiting your doctor on a regular basis and for an annual check-up or as often as your doctor may recommend for you. Watch your blood pressure and adopt lifestyles that prevent high blood pressure. High blood pressure is common with folks over 50 and it can lead to other complications, like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney disease. Seek your doctor’s advice on specific supplements you should take to help your body as you age. Go see your dentist at least once each year for an oral checkup.  Worry less and be close to family. This will help your mental health.



Rest is also an  important factor as we age. At age 50 plus, the body needs adequate sleep and less mental strain. Try to form good sleeping habits so you can avoid insomnia, lethargy, and disrupted sleep. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you can’t get it all at night, take a nap during the day.

Staying healthy is important for  all of us as we continue to age.  So, take care of your body today, so tomorrow it will take care of you.


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