How Do I Lose the Weight I Gained During the Covid 19 Pandemic?



Without mentioning the dreaded C-word too often, it’s safe to say that virtually all of us are sick to the back teeth of hearing about the Coronavirus known as Covid-19.

Ever since the WHO declared that the world was in the midst of a pandemic back in early 2020, billions of us all around the world have found ourselves in lockdowns, quarantines, isolation, and various other buzzwords used to describe being stuck at home for weeks, if not months, on end.

With a lack of access to gyms, mounting stress and worry, as well as boredom, a large percentage of us have found ourselves piling on the pounds over the last 12 – 14 months or so, and as the world slowly returns to normality, we find ourselves desperate to get this weight off.

If you’re looking to shed those lockdown pounds, here are a few handy tips to help you do precisely that.


Stock up on healthy ingredients and ditch the junk


This may sound like we’re stating the obvious, but as it’s so important we need to address it outright.

If you’re looking to lose weight and shed those pandemic pounds, the next time you stock up on groceries, go ahead and fill your cupboards, fridges, and freezers full of healthy ingredients, and get rid of any junk food you may have laying around.

If you want to lose weight, you of course need to eat, but you need to eat healthy produce that fills you up and gives you important nutrients, while still allowing you to create a caloric deficit.

Purchase healthy ingredients you enjoy eating, and be sure to avoid the junk food aisles as any junk in the house will be tempting, especially when you’re hungry and the cravings kick in.


 Commit to some form of exercise regime

If you are serious about losing weight, as well as through your diet, you also need to ensure that you do so via exercise and physical activity.

One of the best ways of ensuring that you lose weight is to find an exercise regime that you stick to. If you commit to an actual regime, you’ll find it much easier stick to it because it will become a habit.

Set aside certain days specifically for exercising as that way you know exactly which days of the week you’re exercising on rather than taking a ‘wait and see’ approach.


Take part in activities you enjoy

Exercise shouldn’t be a chore, it should be enjoyable so go ahead and find activities that you actually like to do.

If you enjoy cycling for example, get the bike out and get cycling as it is an awesome form of cardio that is perfect for weight loss.

If you find activities that you enjoy doing, you’ll be motivated to take part and you will also work harder because you’re actually having fun. Before you know it, the weight will be dropping off and you’ll be back to your pre-lockdown best.

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