It is a fact well known to each and every one of us as the importance of exercise in our life cannot be underestimated. It is important to note that staying healthy does not involve only eating a balanced diet but also includes exercising. There are many ways exercise has been found to be crucial to the lives of people over the age of fifty which includes and not limited to having a reduced waistline and strong muscles.
Engaging in regular exercise aids in the development of our bodies, improving our mental health, and it also impacts the organs and tissues in our body positively. There are many ways in which exercise can enhance our daily lives which include the following:
Prevent diseases
Based on research it has been revealed that engaging in regular exercise can assist in hindering the development of common diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes among others. Another benefit associated with exercise is improving the overall immune function, which is important for people over the age of fifty because their immune system is sometimes compromised. Even exercise such as walking can be a powerful means of preventing the occurrence of certain diseases.
Exercise improves mental health in people over the age of fifty
Engaging in regular exercise has been found to trigger the release of endorphins. This is a hormone known by the name “the feel-good hormone”. It helps to relieve the body from stress and makes you happy and content. Moreover, regular physical activities have been connected with an increase in sleep, this is vital especially for people that are battling insomnia and irregular sleep patterns.
Exercise helps to reduce the risk of falling
Some people over age fifty have had some incidents of falling. This has been found to be detrimental to maintaining their independence. When you engage in regular exercise, there will may be great improvement in your balance and coordination, thereby bringing about a reduction in the risk of falls.
Exercise creates room for socialization
Irrespective of the group you join, be it a walking group, a fitness class, or a gardening club, exercises can turn into a fun social event. Maintaining strong social connections is important for adults to feel motivated and to avoid feelings of loneliness or depression. The most important thing is to pick the type of exercise you would like to do and you may never feel that exercising is a chore.
Exercise helps to promote better sleeping
After regular exercise, the rate at which you sleep improves due to changes in the body temperature. In addition to this, it also helps to create a deeper sleep, which makes you wake up refreshed and full of energy. This aspect of exercise benefits people over age fifty because as an individual gets older, the rate at which the body system functions decreases. Sleeping well has been connected with an increase in both cognitive and physical functions throughout the day which leads to a reduction in the risk of injury.
So as you can see, exercising is very important as you age and you may want to consider making exercise an important part of your life to stay healthy and active.