The heart is, without question, one of the most important organs we have in our body. The core component of the cardiovascular system, without a healthy heart there will be numerous aspects of your health and well-being that suffer. Sadly, in life there are some things which we cannot control. Growing older is one of those things. While we can’t control the passage of time, what we can do is control our health and well-being in general. This is where it pays to have a healthy heart. From the transportation of oxygen to the cells around the body, to regulating your blood pressure, keeping the heart fit and healthy is vital. But how does the heart affect healthy aging? Well, that’s what we’re going to be taking a look at today.
What is the heart? The heart is the major organ inside your body that is at the center of your cardiovascular system. The heart is actually a form of muscle that works by pumping blood around your body. At the center of your circulatory system, this system is composed of the heart, blood vessels, arteries, veins, and capillaries. To begin with, blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs. Once it reaches the lungs it is oxygenated, where it then makes its way back to the heart. Now, the heart redistributes this oxygenated blood and pumps it around the body where it is delivered to your cells and other major organs, where it plays a crucial role in a number of physiological processes. A healthy heart will provide your body with the just the right amounts of blood, oxygen, and nutrients needed for it to function correctly. If the heart sustains damage, either through injury, disease, or even from the ill-effects of aging, the rest of your body will not receive the nutrients it needs to function correctly and therefore your health will be at risk.
Heart health and healthy aging – Now it’s time for us to look at a few potential risks associated with heart health as we grow older. Remember, the heart is a major organ that can be looked after, strengthened, and made healthier thanks to some healthy habits and lifestyle changes.
Blood pressure – Keeping the heart fit and healthy is vital for many reasons, especially when blood pressure is concerned. You see, it is vital to monitor your blood pressure as failing to do so can lead to some serious health risks, especially later in life. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause weakening of the heart and the blood vessels, increasing your risk of a heart attack.
Cholesterol – In the body we have HDL and LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is the dangerous one we need to watch, as HDL is very good for us. In the body, overtime, if your LDL cholesterol is high, this can cause lipids in the bloodstream to build up. These clog the arteries and slow circulation. Overtime these blockages can calcify and form plaque. When this happens blood can’t pass through the arteries and your risk of heart disease, damage, or a heart attack, all increase drastically. This is why healthy diets low in trans fats and non-natural saturated fats are so important.
Poor circulation – If your heart is unhealthy your circulation will suffer. This will mean an inadequate supply of oxygen and nutrients being delivered to the cells and major organs in your body. This can result in healthy tissues dying off, which is obviously a very serious problem. Yet another reason to eat healthily, monitor your weight, and perform cardiovascular exercise is to help improve circulation.